In addition to medicines, equipment and hospital consumables,Hermadis offers a wide range of
health products.
The acronym OTC ( "Over- the- Counter ") was established in the United States and is used worldwide
to designate medicinal products not subject to medical prescription, that is, drugs that can be
sold directly to consumers without a prescription. These include painkillers, vitamins, antacids,
laxatives and decongestants .
OTC aim to treat symptoms or mild diseases, quickly and economically, with the occasional guidance
of the pharmacist. They are, therefore, designed to help improve your health and your well -being.
They should be used always with the medical or pharmacist advice and used only in situations and
doses indicated by them.
The human medicinal products are subject to quality standards, safety and efficacy . National and
Community authorities, as the INFARMED, are responsible for placing them on the market . With a
view to "making a medical diagnosis" or to exercise "a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic
action, restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions" , the drugs always require a
rational and responsible use, made with the medical advice and care.
The drugs have contributed to the reduction of the disease and mortality load, promoting improved
individual quality of life. However, the World Health Organization estimates that 50% of people
around the world do not take medicines correctly.